Saturday, September 26, 2009


Dried Blackeye Susans

I started a new RedBubble account & have been working on images using layers in Photoshop.
It's a very creative atmosphere with artists posting paintings, drawings, photos & tee shirt designs.
You can check it out here..
This is my RedBubble


Anil P said...

Unbelievable that such a texture can actually be achieved. This is very well done indeed.

mtrib2 said...

The wilted Sunflowers look wonderful -the technique used in creating them with sepia has great depth. A cold night, the woodburner going. What an ALCS last night with the Yankee's winning. Woodburner out at 9 a.m. so the electric radiator heaters were used shortly for breakfast. Slept good last night, unlike Friday night. I have 4 days of good weather forecast to finish siding, caulking, and then paint in the 60F weather before rain. Mark/Salty

_rRose said...

Beautiful/creative coneflowers...
Happy Autumn Days to you and yours!


Anonymous said...

Hi hun,

These are beautiful..They make me wish that I could paint to copy it :) It's very well done and would look beautiful framed and on a wall!

Love, Light & Blessings,

Mrs Snow :)