Monday, May 04, 2009

Community Photo Challenge-Tranquility

tranquility banner

This week's Challenge-Tranquility. Find something that represents tranquility to you. For me it is the beach & water, what is yours??
Starts today & ends May 7th. All are welcome to join in.
Please follow the Guidelines

LI beach

The beach has always been my tranquility. ;) So I had to include a beach.
I added another which was taken at Old Westbury Gardens.
To Join in Click Here-The Challenge Blog

Bench at Old Westbury


Ed said...

Very nice and tranquil.. :-)

Sage Ravenwood said...

I can just imagine the serenity sitting on that bench undet that tree...(Hugs)Indigo

Michelle said...

::smile:: We have VERY similar tranquil spots, Marie... If it's outdoors, blue, green, wet and/or smells sweet ~ I'm there.

Your photos, as always, are perfectly stunning.

Vicki said...

Marie, lovely tranquil scenics. I still think your best tranquil scene is the one you used for the banner...LOL The definition in the waves in that image really is amazing. Of course, I love all of your images.

sunflowerkat said...

You have a knack for creating tranquil images. I would call it your "style". I have an easy time putting myself in your photos. Thank you for taking me to so many beautiful and tranquil places.

Julie said...

They are both lovely but the bench under the beautiful tree is my favorite. Nice job.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Both are excellent..the photo in the gardens has a dreamy quality that just makes you least it did me! :)