Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Martha said...

Perfect Marie! So glad to have you playing along again this week :-)

Kathy said...

This just might be the neatest fireworks picture I've seen.

Vicki said...

Marie, this is great! Most times, I'm lucky to get one or two good shots of fireworks...to get this many (I assume it's layered) to use for a collage is amazing! Beautifully done!

Carolyn Ford said...

Wow! You nailed this shot!

Jeannette said...

Now why can't I get shots like this?! I either push the shutter button too early or too late! Well done, it's beautiful! Jeannette xx

Rjet33 said...

I love your pics, marie. You have such a talent. I have missed you and your wonderful photos, my friend.

