Sunday, January 25, 2009

Quotes And Photography

Touch my Soul(quote) Roses '09

When I first join AOL, it was the first time I actually used a computer. That was in 1996. I learned to search and collect quotations. I had joined a quotation message board where everyone would share their favorite quotes. Back in 2003(I think) I started my first AOL blog with photography. I thought this would be a good way to use photography to post quotations. So here is one I worked on today.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blogger's Community Photo Challenge-HEARTS!


To Join in of this Challenge click here
This heart is for part 2

2. Paint a heart, draw or sketch a heart, color a heart. Be creative.
Must be colorful, or just use color, no B&Ws on this one.
Remember, You will need to scan or photograph your heart.

Watercolor Heart3

Each heart is a watercolor. The top one is more complete
but none are perfect. My intention was not to make a perfect heart. The above heart is my contribution to the HEART CHALLENGE collage

watercolor Heart

I like the above one because there was a little background color.

Watercolor Heart 2

I included this one on my group of hearts because of the empty space, that needs to be filled in.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blogger's Community Photo Challenge- STILL LIFE


There is not much time left to post, so I did a quick Still life. Check out everyone's at The Challenge Blog

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy 17th Birthday Jon Paul!

JP B-Day 2009

Yes, another birthday in our family. My baby turns 17 today~
From the day JP was born he was a handful, literally & figuratively. He was born only 1 lb 9 oz. he almost fit in one hand, but by 1 year old, he was nothing but trouble. Ü Now I laugh, but back then, he was lucky he made it to his next birthday, & then the next and so on. As the years went on, he mellowed. Today, he is my "good child", my helper....he is very special in many ways.
Happy Birthday JP!

Walkable Westchester is a walking guide to Westchester trails & will be released in 6-8 weeks. It shares a wide variety of walking opportunities through out Westchester County & includes maps. You can check out this book here, If you live in lower NY area & is interested in walking and/or Photography, this seems like an ideal book for finding new places to photograph...& for hiking (Ü).
The best thing about this book is....*Ü*..... 2 of my photos will be in it! So I am very excited about this.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Cara!

Cara B-day